Beverly Hills Healthcare Fraud Lawyer

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Beverly Hills Healthcare Fraud Attorney

Allegations of healthcare fraud and the investigations that often are associated with it can harm a healthcare provider and even paralyze the care they offer. Doctors, nurses, dentists – even other members of the medical community like pharmacists, testing facilities, hospitals, and ambulance companies – can be affected by allegations of fraud. If you find yourself facing such allegations, it is prudent to seek counsel from a Beverly Hills healthcare fraud lawyer.

Having an experienced and skilled defense attorney on your side early on in an investigation for healthcare or medical fraud is essential. With a lawyer, you’ll know the options available to you and have someone guiding you through the process, looking out for your rights. The reality is, if you find yourself caught up in a healthcare fraud investigation, even one brought on by unintentional mistakes, it could lead to civil liability or even criminal prosecution.

Whatever the circumstances, you need a trusted lawyer with the right experience to protect you, your livelihood, and your future.

Beverly Hills Healthcare Fraud Attorney

What Is Healthcare Fraud?

Healthcare fraud is a term used to define the wide range of offenses where funds are improperly obtained from Medicaid, TRICARE, Medicare, or other similar insurers. Governmental bodies tend to discern whether or not potential fraud has been committed by searching for patterns in claims for reimbursement. Additionally, medical providers and businesses who provide clients with or receive illegal referral fees or kickbacks can also be charged with fraud.

Some of the most common charges of healthcare fraud include:

  • Billing for services that weren’t actually performed or submitting insurance claims for medical equipment or services that were never used or rendered.
  • Up-charging for equipment or services by submitting claims for a more expensive amount than the treatment or services actually cost.
  • Performing services that were unnecessary in order to bill higher amounts.
  • Kickbacks or referral fees in exchange for patient referrals.
  • Performing prescription fraud by prescribing drugs that are not medically essential for the patient, and sometimes for the purpose of black market resale.
  • Other common types of fraud, such as falsifying medical records, double billing, and requesting unnecessary or excessive testing that may not be required.

Depending on the evidence presented, government agencies may have jurisdiction to investigate claims of healthcare fraud. Should healthcare fraud lead to charges of civil or criminal liability, government bodies such as the Department of Justice, the Office of Inspector General, or the Drug Enforcement Administration may become involved in your case.

If you’ve been involved in complex healthcare fraud allegations, it’s important to hire a healthcare fraud lawyer in Beverly Hills, California, who has the knowledge to help you understand the charges you face and the potential consequences that may accompany them.

Defending Yourself Against Allegations of Healthcare Fraud

When you seek the legal counsel and representation of an adept Beverly Hills healthcare fraud lawyer, you may have more options when it comes to defending your case. A lawyer may be able to help mitigate the scope of any potential investigation, reducing the charges from one of a criminal nature to civil.

Intent is the defining factor dividing criminal liability from civil liability. Strategic healthcare fraud attorneys might be able to prevent any indictment by employing certain defenses. These defenses may include a lack of intent on your part, a lack of knowledge, or simply that you made a mistake.


Q: Which Agency Primarily Handles Healthcare Fraud?

A: When it comes to healthcare fraud, the FBI is the agency that primarily handles these types of cases. Yet, the FBI can partner with other agencies while pursuing their investigation. These agencies might include any federal, state, or local agencies, insurance groups like the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the National Healthcare Anti-Fraud Association, and the Healthcare Fraud Prevention Partnership.

Q: What Is the Penalty for Healthcare Fraud in California?

A: Penalties for healthcare fraud in California can include a litany of fines, bans on future business dealings, and even prison or jail time. You might also find yourself having to forfeit assets, losing your job, losing professional licenses or board certifications, and restitution.

Q: What Are Three Examples of Fraud in Medi-Cal Practice?

A: Three examples of fraud in Medi-Cal practice include capping, balance billing, and illegal billing of your Medi-Cal services. Capping is when someone recruits and pays patients a monetary sum or gifts in exchange for Medi-Cal participation. Balancing bills happens when a provider charges for the difference between Medi-Cal reimbursement and the actual charge of the service. Illegal billing of Medi-Cal services is usually for procedures that were not performed.

Q: How Do You Report Medi-Cal Fraud in California?

A: To report Medi-Cal fraud in the state of California, whistleblowers can call the Department of Health Services Medi-Cal fraud hotline. Written reports can also be submitted via mail or email. Suspected waste or abuse of Medi-Cal can also be reported to the Department of Health Services in California.

Contact a Healthcare Fraud Lawyer Serving Beverly Hills

Facing any kind of allegation or investigation for health care, medical, or financial fraud in Beverly Hills can cause disruption to your livelihood and be costly. You deserve a solid defense lawyer who is willing to bring their skills and knowledge to the table when taking on your case.

Why You Should Choose the Law Offices of Marc S. Nurik

When facing these allegations, consulting with an attorney early on offers you the greatest chance for a solid defense. For more than 40 years, attorney Marc S. Nurik has been fighting for clients involved in cases of white collar crime, fraud, and other civil or criminal litigations. He understands the unique complications of the laws surrounding these cases and has the confidence necessary to construct a solid defense.

Allegations of health care fraud can cause stress and unnecessary pressure on medical providers and businesses. Protecting their rights and livelihoods requires a strategic mind and a seasoned attorney who will advocate for his clients. While these allegations and investigations may feel overwhelming, the Law Offices of Marc S. Nurik is here to offer solid counsel, professional knowledge, and a commitment to defending his clients.

Contact the Law Offices of Marc S. Nurik today to see how he can guide you through a health care fraud investigation and any civil or criminal prosecution that may follow. Backed by years of experience, our firm is ready and willing to serve you through all aspects of your case.

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Boca Raton, FL 33431

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Beverly Hills, CA 90212